Friday, 17 February 2012


Evening All,
   How is everyone this evening?? Me? I am fine, thanks for asking. I bought a new anxiety workbook that I am quite excited to try out and read. See where it takes me. Today was a fairly good day for me as far as the anxiety goes. I am still loving my job and really enjoying what I am doing. I got to spend some real nice time with some family and as previously mentioned, I got a new book that I am really excited about. Oh! I don't know if I have mentioned it on here or not, but I am not taking that job down in Calgary at my office. It was not quite what I thought it was going to be and I would have been working in the office all week long with a slight possibility of heading out to the field. Even though I battle being away from home and sometimes struggle with it, I still really enjoying working outside. I still really enjoy getting my hands dirty and getting to see what God has created everyday.
   I think with this evening's blog, it for sure won't be a long one and I would like to talk about relaxing "sports" or hobbies etc. I told you all on here that I really enjoy building my birdhouses and that it brings about peace and tranquility for me. But something else that I really enjoy is golfing. Let's not debate whether or not golf is a sport. I say it is, but that's neither here nor there. Anyways, I think that finding something to do that distracts mind and focuses your energy elsewhere is a very good thing. For those of you who know me; I am very competitive person. I absolutely 100% hate to lose. Yes, hate is a strong word but, I HATE to lose.
   I don't care if I am playing Monopoly, Tiddlywinks, Hockey, Cribbage or Golf. I want to win everytime. That being said, I am not a poor sport or a poor loser. Yes, I will be disappointed that my team lost or that I lost. But give me 10 minutes and I will get over it and move on. All of that being said...I really enjoy golfing. It is me against the course. It is me that has to do my absolute best to succeed. It is me who has to focus on what I doing it, how I am doing it and why I am doing it. I love the "man vs. nature" aspect of golfing. And I really enjoy the nature. Last year or the year before, I was out golfing with my father in law up near Lloydminster. We were golfing on his home course which is a little 9 hole course. So we were playing 9 again and had gotten to about the 13th or 14th hole.
   We both chipped our shots up onto the green and started to drive our cart over there. Suddenly there was a fairly large sized black and white stripped animal heading our way. Needless to say, neither one of us wanted to get sprayed by that skunk all in the name of golf; so we waited for him to go away before trying to play our next shot. As funny or silly as that is, it was really nice to see that skunk in it's own habitat doing its own thing and not just trying to cross a road.
   If you suffer from a mental illness or are just feeling the stresses of life building up for you; find a hobby or a sport that you can enjoy that will re-focus your thinking patterns and just might re-focus some of your life. Enjoy yourselves now or in the summer when you are able to take up your hobby. I know that I will and cannot wait for the golfing season to begin.

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